Puppets & co


Puppets? It still exists ?
Of course, yes!
It’s for babies?
Obviously not !

 “La cour des petits” by « Marionnettes de Genève » – Swiss

It’s even one of the most creative areas of live shows.

If you have any doubt, have a look at the Swiss Festival: marionNettes

Everything is good: the shadow theatre
puppets in the water
the marionettes

All countries have their puppets and their traditions.

Do you imagine the pleasure of an international event of this kind?

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – Firefly shadow Theater

We find everything we want:
Puppet masks for adults, and we discover Carmen, or whatever we try to forget : our past, our fears, our promises…

It is a theatre of objects, fantasies, extravagance, where the law is: joy.

Joy of living. Joy of creating. Joy of playing.

Puppets for teenagers, for children, whom they build themselves with the old objects of the house.

Your spaghetti tongs that you used once then becomes a splendid stage character, with a huge mouth that speaks without stopping.

What objects do you recognize? 🙂

Cie Funambule

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8 Thoughts

    1. yes ! It’s like a poetry : a ping pong ball (the eyes of the bird on the left), a kitchen whip, a half clothespin, buttons, plastic cups ( on the right, stacked – and customized ! 🙂

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