Cry for Love

Topic of the day: Love Letters

And yes, in a theatre, we talk about love.

And not just a little love, no: the greatest, the most beautiful, the most tragic, the one that brings tears to our eyes, even if the characters have been dead for centuries and even if we already know the end of the story.

There are complete libraries of love stories – there will always be a few of them represented on stage.

Today, I chose the one I prefer, because I’m French maybe?

It’s Cyrano de Bergerac.

When people talk about Cyrano, they think of his nose.
It’s true that he’s got a good nose on that side.
The Nose Tirade is a hell for a young actor…
But the one who makes it through, that one will be a great actor.

Cyrano de Bergerac – the Real Man

Then we think of Roxane
And we remember with horror that Cyrano was so ugly that he never dared to confess his love.

His love, he wrote it in sublime messages.
He gave his letters to Christian, and no spoilers for those who don’t know the story yet.

Because Roxane loved literature, and was already asking for words of love to cry with love:

And here’s my topic of the day:
to remind people that in a theatre, we talk about love, we’ll organize a Love Letter Contest

Cyrano de Bergerac – the last letter

Write to whoever you want.
Your beloved friend, your canary, your mommy, your beloved game, there’s no compulsion.
Write your feelings, your doubts, your sadness,
Make us cry and love, again and again, love

Immediately before the performance of Cyrano, your letters will be read to the audience.
You’ll have won if the audience cries
And if the jury – composed only of young students – found your letter splendid and touching.

But to tell the truth, it’s a contest where you don’t win anything, except two tickets to come back and see another love show, and that strange and utterly unsettling feeling of hearing your words spoken on a stage.

To your pens

Image from L’Ecritoirea Parisian shop whose site I recommend to you – because it is splendid. Scroll through the images, the greeting cards and you will be in Paris.

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