Nominated for the Liebster

It was with amazement that I discovered this nomination by Outosego.

And as I love losing myself (I never find myself), in the delicious, beautiful, caustic, interesting site of Outosego, I told myself that I would accept this nomination with gratitude.
“Grazie mille” sir Outosego, mille mercis, a thousand thanks and so much more! ❤

This is a present for you, because well… it will be better than my words

Marc Chagall – Le violoniste bleu

And now, at work.

11 Facts about Altair

1 Altair here is mostly a woman, and a French one.

2 Who discovers the wonderful world of blogs

3 Who loves cats

4 Who hurt her shoulder by moving her library from one country to another

5 Who drinks her red wine at room temperature, with cheese, olives and anchovies

6 The only thing I know about my car is that it is small and gray

7 I especially like playing video games from Rayman 2

8 I am too old to excel in FPS

9 I spend my life wasting my time and I think I like it

10 I try to be authoritarian, but soon enough no longer believe me

11 I know that one day I will learn English.

Another one, Outosego, just for the pleasure . Picasso, la colombe de la paix

Outosego questions & Altair answers

1. Luck, Fate, Destiny, Future :  In what order ?
Future at the end. I know how it will be. At the end.
Fate and Destiny together. They will fight to the end. And me with.
Luck in the middle of the two: it serves as a little protective hat
This gives :
Fate + Luck + Destiny = Future

2. How much of the opposite gender is in you?
: the other side, like the moon.

3. What is “pleasure” for you? : laughing drinking eating f *** ing: all we share. I’m so sorry.

4. Do you hate when you hate ? No. Hate is a destructive feeling that prevents you from living. As long as I live, I love living as much. I may hate “afterwards”, it seems that we have time and that it can not hurt anymore.

5. What or who are your enemies? I forgot them. No room for destructive feelings.

6. Do you like to sin a little? You have to be Catholic for that. I do not like to hurt for free. If we talk about sex … France is my excuse. I have to say now that I’m a woman. Sorry again.

7. Which place would you choose to feel a breeze on your face during a summer night? : my garden and my lover

8. What piece of music would you choose to dance classy to chic with your soul mate? : Purple Rain

9. Can you name someone who influenced you? : Sartre. I like when he says that we are free, responsible for what we do with ourselves, what we do with our thoughts and our souls. And so it is very very difficult to really want to be free.

10. What do you see of value to you? : indomitable optimism, despite the years.

11. Where are you now? : in my grapes, under the vine, in my little house in my little sunny village.

And now, the lovely part…

My 11 nominees are

TheMysteriousBlogger @halbarbera

Ola G @0lag

A JACOB @jacobaudrey

maylynno @maylynno

Sheree @sdwhatley

Richard Peter @keepthissimplesilly

ashok @ashokwahi

Jenchaos76 @jenchaos76

Astro Adam @h6ax39br1i

Kally @kallymiddleme

Mr. A @thebarbariangentleman

Well, I hope you will like these very indiscreet questions, that you will enjoy yourself and continue to make us read, see, think and admire your findings.

My apologies to all the others who are not here and whom I also love so much

My – wonderful – 11 Questions

1. Do you like the epic register in movies and books?
2 How do you drink your wine?
3. If you were a temptation, which one would you be?
4. What do you choose between silence and speech?
5. If all humans are liars, when do you tell the truth?
6. Do you like poetry?
7. Would you like to live with an extraordinary artist BUT unbearable?
8. Are you more of a pessimist or optimist?
9. If we save only one thing of our humanity, what would you choose? (the living arts, science, poetry, painting, music, sculpture, monuments, philosophy, etc.)
10. Can we succeed in proving his love?
11. If we can actually climb Altair, will you come to see us, all the “Altair” we are?

The Rules

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

2. Share 11 facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!!

5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees!

6. Notify your 11 nominees.

Robert Doisneau – le baiser de l’hôtel de ville

Outosego, this one is especially for you 🙂

Home Page

25 Thoughts

  1. Reblogged this on Outosego and commented:
    Wonderful answers, dear friends. And what an honor ! Thank you, Altair, for your kind words and for your wonderful dedications to Outosego, to an Unknown.

    You’ re an awesome blogger. Take care and enjoy, dear. I wish you great health, happiness and longevity. Merci encore tellement beaucoup.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you, Altair, for your participation. I’d like, also, to thank you for your wonderful dedications to Outosego. I really enjoyed your answers, dear. I wish you great health, happiness and longevity. Enjoy !

    Ps : you have a wonderful sense of humor, dear !

    Liked by 1 person

        1. The winter is our French Summer. So nice… For instance Altair is “on the way”. The best of our band are working with Ubisoft in September to check that it’s really a good idea … And then we’ll see. “Que sera, sera….”

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations definitely worth it.. your blog is great too.. ❤ and thank you so much for the nomination 😇 it really feels great to know that I am one among the many other bloggers to stand out for the nomination in your blog.. Means a lot .. 😇 yours answers and questions are treat to read.. keep writing ❤🙂

    Liked by 3 people

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