
We want to create a theatre that works, and therefore that spectators will enjoy coming to, several times a year, and several years in a row.
This can be called the Entertainment dimension of Altair.

Creating links with Virtual Reality and the world of video games is an important part of this dimension.
This is obviously not enough.

For us, it is a question of proposing a way of working that will necessarily generate this ‘entertainment’.

Point 1: Programming.

1 – All, all the time” is the basic law. We need a very varied and rhythmical programming. We don’t plan to freeze a venue for weeks with a show.

2 – Ordering shows: this point seems absolutely necessary to us. Altair has to be a production company – both for financial reasons and for reasons of efficiency: we will need shows adapted to the virtual universes we are aiming for – on this site, this corresponds to the different proposals “to stage”.

We will need:

surprising shows – programming poetry is not expected for a theatre like Altair – and this is why we have to make it a necessity of the theatre.

shows that draw their stories from the heart of the great games: epic and adventure.

shows that work on physical performance – circus/dance, so as to have contents to propose later for Virtual Reality.

Point 2: Highlights – Festivals.

This point is developed in the “Boring Events” part – its basic concept is simple.

1 – Propose Festivals that lead to participate in 3 Festivals “with history”: Impossible / Legendary / Mythical: these Festivals will propose to the spectators to “live” an adventure and to influence it by their behaviors – which will also allow to exploit the resources of e.sport in a spectacular way.

2 – Propose another series of Festivals, which aim to bring together the two professional worlds: those of the virtual worlds and those of the performing arts – while associating the spectators. Here again, involving the spectators is a “law” to be laid down. It allows the target audience to be broadened to include those who cannot come in “real” and it transforms their relationship with the theatre.

Point 3 : Ticket sales > Communication

This is a point that will have to be treated with great care.
In addition to the classical means (or even as a replacement for certain means of communication, expensive and of questionable efficiency), we propose :

  • A sale of shows and activities by themes – all spread over the whole season.
  • A sale of shows and activities, “blind”: (see article Terra Incognita). The choices will be made from extracts viewed or listened to and not at all from titles or names. This avoids the effects of focusing on very well known companies and makes you want shows whose names are totally unknown.
  • A collaboration with some Youtubers : the different Festivals are thought to propose them to come.
  • The real possibility to win tickets for: shows and VR activities, using the frozen tickets for: investors / friends / family / press. This point should be made at the outset, so that people who will not have the “usual places” will not be surprised.
  • Ongoing work with the various schools and universities: in addition to selling tickets, offer workshops and meetings with artists and creators.
  • Propose several times a year to the spectators activities related to the programming that will allow them to be, a little, “staged”.

And of course – instead of getting lost on overly targeted and unsuitable Apps – thinking about creating an Altair App would be perfect.

Point 4: Entering the theatre.

This is a dark area of the halls in general.
But we’re waiting a lot in a theatre, and it is boring.
Therefore, thinking Altair thinking about these waiting times seems necessary.
It goes from the “consumables” that we can draw from those that have a “show” dimension: the ‘magic’ Turkish ice creams are a good example.
To external elements that allow you to play…. I’m thinking here of re-using vintage rides for example –

The idea is to propose a time of entertainment that is quite original and that can suit everyone: children, teenagers, adults – and where we can move on to our other halls : Virtual Reality halls and Video Game rooms – without a part of the family finding itself doing nothing and wanting to leave.
It probably sounds a bit silly, but in “real life” it has a real importance I think.

Home Page

It remains for me to summarize a little better the proposals of Virtual Reality. It’s a bit like a will, but hey – we have to set things straight.

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